
Bastet Paw is a small, emerging, Rome-based indie dev team.

Our mission is to create video games as a result of inspiration, with simple but fascinating gameplay dynamics to engage players in a deep story-driven experience.


Our focus lies on emotions, and we view video games as all-around works of art. We’re willing to experiment and analyze the human spirit. Our first project, called Hungerless, deals with a current and relevant topic: eating disorders.

Giulia Vassena - Bastet Paw Founder

The Author

Giulia Vassena is a writer and the author of Hungerless. She began experimenting with words writing poetry in her teenage years. After publishing a collection of poems, she dedicated herself to short stories, some of which appeared in magazines. She is currently working on her first novel. Considering video games a fully-fledged art form akin to cinema and literature, Giulia fully embraces the concept of video game authorship: giving relevance to the many peculiarities found in the game world as well as the writing and vision of whomever directs the work, also placing great emphasis on character growth and the overall message.

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Giulia Vassena

Giulia reads as many books as she can and locks herself in cinemas at the weekend, but it's never enough. She claims that Art is the cure for life’s tedium. Who knows if it's true...

Giulia Vassena

Founder, Creative Director
Daniele Spadoni

Daniele is an analyst programmer from Rome with over fifteen years’ experience in IT. He first ventured into the world of gaming on a C64, and he loves minding other people’s business.

Daniele Spadoni

CTO, Game Programmer
Federico Di Benedetto

Federico is a Game & Narrative Designer from Catania. With over three years’ experience in multiple projects, he strives to create immersive stories that can leave a mark on people's hearts.

Federico Di Benedetto

Game & Narrative Designer
Davide Bunino

Davide is a Sound Designer from Torino, with two years of experience in game audio. He pays meticulous attention to creating vivid and consistent soundscapes, ensuring immersive experiences for players.

Davide Bunino

Sound Designer